of wire with a “hook” on the end to “fi sh out” the battery wires.
Otherwise, getting to the wires to disconnect the battery may
be diffi cult when the wings and cabanes are in the way.
Mount the Aileron Servos
1. Same as was done with the elevator and rudder
servos, temporarily connect one of your aileron servos to
your receiver with a battery so you can power the system up.
Center the aileron trim on your transmitter, turn on the radio
and “square up” the servo arm.
2. Connect the other aileron servo to the receiver and
repeat the procedure. Cut off the unused arms as shown.
3. Use a #58 (.042" [1mm]) drill or a hobby knife to slightly
enlarge the holes in the servo arms so the 1-9/16" [40mm]
aileron pushrods will fi t. Test fi t the pushrods to make sure
they fi t easily.
If you prefer to mount your servos with screws rather
than gluing them in, skip this step…
4. Clean the sides of the aileron servos with denatured
alcohol, then use medium CA to glue them to the hatches
with the output arms centered in the openings as shown in
the photo at step 7.
5. If you prefer to mount your servos with screws, place a
1/4" x 1/2" [7 x 12mm] servo mounting block on each side
of one of the aileron servos. Place pieces of thin cardstock
between the servo and the blocks and under the servo as
shown. Drill #60 (.040" [1mm]) holes through the blocks for
the servo mounting screws.
6. With the cardstock in position, mount the servo to the
blocks with two 2 x 6mm screws.
7. Apply medium CA to the bottom of each mounting block
and to the aileron hatch. Glue the blocks to the hatch with
the servo arm centered in the opening.
8. Temporarily remove the servo. Add a drop of thin CA
to the screw holes in the blocks and allow the CA to harden.
Remount the servo with the screws.