6. Connect the aileron servo wire coming out the middle
of the wing to the receiver with a battery. Turn on the radio
so the servo will center. Working quickly, add a few drops of
medium CA to the pushrods where they overlap and center
the heat-shrink tubing over the pushrods. Use a soldering
iron to shrink the tubing. Add a drop of thin CA to both ends
of the heat-shrink tubing where the wires come out. Remove
the masking tape.
7. Connect the other servo to the other aileron the same way.
Mount the Wings to the Fuselage
1. Cut all the plywood wing strut mounting tabs from the
“tree” they are attached to.
2. Note that there are three different kinds of mounting
tabs–two with an inward angle, two with an outward angle and
four with a 90° angle. All the 90° mounting tabs go in the top
wing. Fit the tabs into the wings as shown in the illustration.
Then, securely glue them into position with thin CA.
3. Test fi t the four aileron pushrods into the four fi berglass
aileron pushrod tabs. Rotate the tabs around the pushrods
to wear the paint off the pushrods and “break in” the holes.
4. Fit, then use thin CA to glue the tabs into the slots in
the TE of each aileron.
5. There are eight, painted aluminum struts included with
this kit (there are four others that are wood). Separate the
cabane struts (for mounting the top wing) from the landing
gear struts–the cabanes are the ones that don’t have any
holes in one end. Also separate the front cabane struts
from the rear cabane struts–the front cabane struts are the
ones that have the longer tabs (without holes) on the end.
6. Fit, but do not glue the rear cabanes into the fuselage–
the way to tell if the cabanes are installed correctly is how
they fi t. When installed correctly, the angle on the bottom will
be parallel with the fuselage side.