B. Turn it into position.
5. Center the bottom cylinder in the opening in the bottom
of the cowl.
6. Center the replica engine in the cowl and push it all
the way forward. View it from all angles to make sure it is
centered. Then, glue it into position with thin CA.
7. Use a hobby knife or a rotary tool with a drum sander
to enlarge the opening in the replica engine until it fi ts over
the motor.
8. While we’re working on the front of the fuselage, it will
be easier to glue on the inspection panels now before the
wings are mounted. Add six or eight small drops of medium
CA to the back of each panel, and then glue them into
position on the sides of the fuselage where shown.
9. Test fi t the cockpit hatch. If necessary, use a hobby
knife to carefully trim back the balsa former at the bottom
front of the hatch so it will clear the back of the cowl during
installation and removal.