5. In a moment you will be instructed to install the hinges.
These hinges have small fl anges on each side. When you
install the hinges into the control surface the fl ange must be
in line with the hinge line. And the center of the hinge should
be in line with the end of the control surface.
6. Apply 30-minute epoxy into the holes in the stab and
onto one half of each of the hinges. Insert a hinge into each
of the holes in the stab. Apply glue into the holes in the
elevators and onto the other half of each hinge. Slide the
elevators onto the hinges, pressing them tightly against the
stab. Clean any excess epoxy with a paper towel and rubbing
alcohol. Allow the glue to fully harden.
7. Apply a light coat of epoxy to the exposed wood of the
vertical fi n and inside the fi n slot at the back of the fuselage.
Slide the fi n into the slot. Clean any excess epoxy with a
paper towel and rubbing alcohol.