Join the Top Wing Panels with
the Wing Center Section
1. Trim the covering from the two notches on both ends of
the top wing center section
2. Locate the two aluminum wing brackets. Test fi t them
to the root rib at each end of the wing center section. When
positioned properly the aluminum rib will fi t fl ush to the end of
the wing center section and the tabs will fi t into the notches
in the end of the wing center section. When you are satisfi ed
with the fi t, epoxy the aluminum ribs to both ends of the wing
center section. Set it aside, allowing the glue to harden.
3. Insert the 1/2" x 27-1/4" [12.7mm x 692mm] and the
1/4" x 25" [6.4mm x 635mm] composite tube into the holes in
the center section of the top wing, centering the tubes.
4. Use the same procedure used on the bottom wing to
assemble the top wing. Mix 3/4 ounces [22mL] of 30 minute
epoxy. Pull the tubes out about 1" [25.4mm]. Brush a thin fi lm
of epoxy onto the tubes. Push the tubes back into the center
section with a twisting motion to spread the glue. Do this on
the other end of the wing center section. Apply epoxy into the
tube holes in the right and left wings as well as the root rib of
each wing. Brush a thin fi lm of epoxy onto each of the tubes
and then insert the tubes into the right wing. Remove excess
glue that may have worked its way out of the tube holes and
then place the left wing onto the tubes and slide the wings
together. Clean excess epoxy from the wing with rubbing
alcohol and a paper towel. Tape the wing halves together
and then set the wing aside while the glue cures.