Prepare the Fuselage
Your transmitter and a charged battery will be required
soon for setting up the radio. If you plan to fl y your FlyLite
immediately, charge your battery now so you will not have
to wait later.
1. Lift the back of the
battery hatch
to remove it from the
fuselage—a little more force than usual may be required for
the fi rst time as there may be some residual glue sticking the
parts together. Use care.
2. There may be a small piece of tape temporarily stuck
to the magnet on the hatch or to the magnet in the fuselage.
Remove the tape and throw it away. Set the hatch aside.
3. Lightly squeeze the main landing gear wire together
and fi t it all the way up into the fuselage with the bent-in
“sweep” in the wire facing forward.
4. Apply the rougher, “hook” side of the included Velcro
hook-and-loop strip to the battery mounting plate in the
fuselage. Cut the softer, “loop” side of the Velcro strip into
four pieces and attach one of the strips to your battery. If you
already have more batteries you can apply the other strips to
the batteries now. If you ever need more Velcro later, it can
also be purchased separately (GPMQ4480).
Mount the Motor
1. Test fi t the included 8 x 6 Slow Flyer propeller onto the
prop-saver propeller adapter on the RimFire 250 motor. If the
propeller fi ts loosely, use a #0 or #1 Phillips screwdriver to