4. Keeping the rest of the center doubler from contacting
the wing by holding the two apart, fl ip the assembly over.
Then starting at the back and working forward, press the
doubler all the way into position.
5. Supporting the bottom of the wing under the doubler,
make certain the doubler is securely bonded to the top of the
wing by carefully but thoroughly pressing it down.
6. If necessary, use a single-edge razor blade or a hobby
knife to trim a thin fi lm of material (1/32" [.8mm]) from where
the trailing edge of the wing contacts the fuselage. This
will allow the wing to fi t properly with the center doubler
The fi ber-reinforced tape must also be added to the
bottom of the wing, but this will be done after marking
the C.G. lines in following steps.
Balance the Model (C.G.)
Another critical factor in determining how a plane fl ies
(and again your ability to control it) is the center of gravity
(C.G.), or the
balance point
. If the balance point is too
far aft the plane will be unstable and react too quickly to
your control inputs. If the balance point is too far forward
the plane will be too stable and not react enough to your
control inputs. Beginners should never fl y the FlyLite if it
is balanced outside of the balance range specifi ed on the
next page.
1. To balance the model, all components must be installed
including the propeller. Mount the propeller to the motor using
the rubber prop-saver O-ring that came with the motor. The
best way is to hook the O-ring around one of the screws, and
then fi t the propeller and use a small Phillips screwdriver or
something similar to hook the other end of the O-ring up and
around the other screw.