nylon tail gear post onto the thin tail gear wire. Insert the tail
gear wire through the aluminum tail gear bracket and wheel
collar while inserting the tail gear post in the bottom of the
rudder. Tighten the set screw in the wheel collar and glue the
tail gear post in the rudder with thin CA.
4. Install the tail wheel on the tail gear wire and press the
silicone retainer on the tail gear wire to secure the tail wheel.
Install the Stabilizer
1. Center the wing tube in the fuselage. Slide the wing
halves onto the wing tube and secure the wing halves to
the fuselage with the nylon 10-24 thumb screws. Be careful
putting pressure on the wing and fuselage. The wings may
be tight the fi rst time they are slid on the tube.
2. Center the horizontal stabilizer in the slot in the fuselage.
Stand back and look at the stab in relation to the wing. The
stab should be parallel with the wing. If not, sand the stab
saddle until the stab and wings are aligned.
3. Measure the distance from the tip of the stab to the
center of the fuselage. Adjust the position of the stab until
they are equal. The stringer is centered in the front of the
4. Using a fi ne-point felt-tip pen, mark the outline of the
fuselage on the top and the bottom of the stab.
5. Cut the covering on the top and bottom of the stab
inside the line you have drawn. Use care to cut only into the
covering and not into the wood.