location where the set screw tightens on the axle and use a
metal cutting fi le to fi le a fl at spot on the axle. Apply a drop of
threadlocker on the set screw and reinstall the wheel collar
on the axle.
❏ ❏
3. Position the right wheel pant over the wheel and
secure it to the main landing gear with two 2-56 x 3/8" [9.5mm]
machine screws, 2mm fl at washers and 2mm lock washers.
❏ ❏
4. Attach the main landing gear to the fuselage with
three 4-40 x 1/2" [12.7mm] SHCS, 3mm lock washers and
3mm fl at washers.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the left main landing gear.
Install the Tail Gear
1. Glue the nylon tail gear bushing in the hole in the aft
bottom of the fuselage.
2. Insert the tail gear wire through the aluminum tail gear
bracket. Insert the tail gear wire and bracket in the tail gear
bushing. With the tail gear bracket aligned with the bottom
of the fuselage, mark and drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] pilot hole at
both tail gear bracket mounting hole locations. Secure the
tail gear bracket to the fuselage with two 2 x 12mm sheet
metal screws.
3. Thread a 4-40 set screw into the 2.5mm wheel collar.
Remove the tail gear wire from the tail gear bracket and
position the 2.5mm wheel collar under the bracket. Slide the