6. At the rear of the fuselage on both sides, cut away the
covering where the pushrod tubes exit the fuselage.
7. Install the rudder and elevator
nylon control horn
line with the servo pushrod. The rudder horn should be
mounted on the left side of the fuselage and the elevator
should be mounted on the right side of the fuselage. Hold
the horn in position and mark the location of the mounting
holes. Drill 3/32" (2.4mm) mounting holes through the
marks. Wick two to three drops of thin CA into the holes to
harden the underlying balsa, then re-drill the holes. Attach
the horns using
#2 x 1/2" (13mm) Screws
Nylon Nut
. Do not over-tighten the screws, crushing the
underlying balsa.
8. Locate the two longest threaded wire
screw a
nylon clevis
on each one approximately 14 turns.
Place a
silicone retainer
over each of the clevises. Insert
the pushrod into the plastic tube. Attach the clevis to the
control horn.
9. Mark the pushrod where it crosses the servo arm.
Enlarge the servo horn hole with a 5/64" (2mm) drill bit.
10. Make a 90-degree bend in the pushrod on your mark,
then insert it through the enlarged hole in the servo arm. Cut
off the excess wire 3/8" (9.5mm) above the bend. Secure
the wire in place with a nylon
11. Follow the same steps for the rudder except you will
need to use the two arm type control arm on the servo.
Attach the rudder pushrod to the outside arm and the
nosewheel to the inside arm.
12. Install a Brass
Screw-Lock Pushrod Connector
with the 4-40 x 1/8"
(3mm) Cap Screw
on the servo arm
with the rudder. Snap the
Nylon Retainer
onto the screw-
lock pushrod connector post beneath the servo horn.
13. Assemble the
Nose Gear Pushrod Wire
by installing
a nylon clevis about 14 turns and a silicone retainer onto the
threaded end. Slide the nose wheel steering pushrod into
the outer tube located on the lower left side of the firewall.
14. Insert the wire into the connector, adjust the nose wheel
and tighten the cap screw. Minor adjustments to the steering
can be done either at the clevis on the nose wheel or by
adjusting the wire position at the screw-lock pushrod connector.
15. Use the following sequence for mounting the servos
into the wings.
A. Install rubber grommets and brass eyelets in the
servos using the provided sketch.
B. Test fit the servos in the tray in each half of the wing.
2-56 (.074") Pushrod Wire
Servo Horn