8. Insert the nose gear wire in the nose gear wheel pant,
through a 5mm wheel collar, the nose wheel, a second 5mm
wheel collar and the nose gear retainer recess on the inside
of the wheel pant. Secure the wheel collars with 3mm cap
screws, making sure the nose wheel rotates freely.
9. Insert the nose gear into the nose gear bearing. Position
the wheel pant and mark the location of the nose gear wire
on the wheel pant.
10. Drill 1/16" (1.6mm) holes and attach the landing gear
11. Position a 5mm wheel collar under the nose gear
bearing. Insert the nose gear wire through the wheel, the
bottom nose gear bearing, the steering arm and the top nose
gear bearing. Temporarily tighten the 3 mm machine screws.
Install the Rudder & Elevator Servos
1. Make a hook and loop strap.
2. Cut the hook and loop material to make two straps, one
for the receiver and one for the receiver battery.