Apply a few drops of soldering fl ux to the end of the
pushrod. “Tin” the end of the pushrod by applying heat.
Apply silver solder to the heated area. The pushrod should
melt the solder, not the fl ame of the torch. The end of the
pushrod should be tinned all the way around.
Position the solder clevis on the pushrod and apply a drop
of fl ux to the joint. Apply heat and add solder. Again, the
heat of the part should melt the solder, not the fl ame of
the torch. Allow the part to cool naturally. Make sure the
joint is thoroughly soldered. It should be shiny, not rough.
Reheat if necessary.
Wipe off the fl ux residue with denatured alcohol. Coat the
joint with oil to prevent rust.
14. Reinstall the aileron pushrods and slide the retainers
over the clevises.
15. Repeat steps 1 – 14 to install the aileron servo in the
right wing.
Flap Servo Installation (Optional)
Flaps are not necessary to land the Avistar 30cc. However,
if you have never fl own with fl aps, the Avistar 30cc is a great
plane to learn with.
1. Install a servo lead extension on the fl ap servo. If using
S.Bus, plug the servo into the S.Bus decoder or Hub. (Installed
with the ailerons.)
2. Install grommets and eyelets in the fl ap servo .
3. Remove the covering from fl ap servo opening.
4. Separate the fl ap from the aileron.
5. Mount the flap servo in the wing. Route the servo lead
to the root rib, or connect it to the S.Bus decoder.