To get full performance from your lister / cultivator, you
need an understanding of all component operations, and
many provide adjustments for optimal field results.
The Model LC25/40 has straight-blade depth-band
coulters mounted on floating opener frames. Dual
springs provide the down pressure necessary to hold the
row tools at the height set. Individual openers can be
adjusted to account for tire tracks.
Lister configurations include a height-adjustable shovel,
and adjustable furrower discs.
Cultivator configurations include a height-adjustable
shank, width-adjustable soil deflectors, and optional
barring-off discs.
Plowing/Cultivating Depth
Setting nominal depth, and achieving it consistently, is
affected by multiple adjustable implement functions, from
greatest to least effect they are:
Lister Shovel or Cultivator Height,
Coulter Depth,
Implement Tool Bar Height (hitch set), and;
Row Unit Down-Force.
The Adjustment Affects
Check/Change Hitch Configuration 2013-
(LC40 only)
Safe and stable implement operation
Frame Adjustments
Center Frame L/R Leveling (LC25/40)
Consistent result across all rows
Consistent result across all rows
Correct row unit operation
Row Unit Adjustments (LC25/40)
Row Unit Down Pressure (Springs)
Penetration for rows in tire tracks
Setting tool bar height
Barring-Off Adjustments (LC25/40)
Bed shoulder cultivation
Furrow depth
Furrower Disc Adjustments (LC25/40)
Furrow width and bed profile
Cultivator Adjustments (LC25/40)
Furrow cultivation and bed shoulder maintenance
Protects plants from being covered by dirt