12. Pb (lead-acid) programs
This program is designed for charging and discharging lead - sulphuric acid and lead-gel batteries with
nominal voltages of
2, 6, 12 and 24 V (1, 3, 6 and 12 cells).
: the charger will not recognise
lead-acid batteries with other nominal voltages, and such batteries must not be connected.
Lead-acid batteries behave entirely differently from NiCd and NiMH batteries. Lead-acid batteries can only
deliver relatively low currents relative to their capacity, and similar restrictions very definitely apply to
charging. Manufacturers usually state
14 to 16 hours
for achieving nominal capacity when recharging at
the normal charge current. The “normal” charge current is defined as one tenth of the battery’s nominal
capacity. Example: battery capacity =
Ah —> normal charge current =
1.2 A
. In contrast to NiCd and
NiMH batteries, lead-acid chargers generally monitor the battery’s voltage in order to decide when it is fully
Caution: lead-acid batteries cannot and must not be fast-charged! Always select the charge current
which the battery manufacturer recommends.
Please also bear in mind that the nominal capacity (i.e.
useful life) of a lead-acid battery is very quickly compromised by incorrect handling, including overcharging,
repeated 100% discharges and, in particular, deep discharging. The magnitude of the charge / discharge
currents used is also crucial to the actual battery capacity which can be exploited, i.e. the higher the
current, the lower the capacity which can be exploited.
The values selected in the user settings for charge termination delay and safety timer have no effect in the
Pb charge programs.
Pb manual program
The battery can then be connected to the charger and the charge process started: the unit starts charging
at 0.00 A and slowly raises the current until it reaches the set limit.
The charger constantly assesses the state of the battery during the charge process, and adjusts the
charge current to suit its condition. The charge program automatically determines the number of cells (cell
count) in the battery by measuring its overall voltage.
Please do not be surprised if the charger does not deliver the charge current you have selected. The
charge program constantly monitors the battery’s voltage, and thereby limits the current in order to prevent
excessive gassing of the battery.
capacity test-
Pb automatic program
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
P b
a u t o m a t i c
C : 2 . 5 A
l i m i t e d
In this program the charger detects the types of battery
connected and adjusts the charge current accordingly, to
avoid overcharging the pack.
The maximum charge current can be set using the INC /
DEC buttons
you connect the battery to be charged.
The charge process is terminated according to the values
set by the user for „NiCd Delta-Peak Termination Voltage“,
„Charge Termination Delay“ and „Safety Timer“.
Lithium discharge program
Lithium capacity test program
Lithium battery cell count
When you connect the battery to the charger and press the
START button, the screen displays the number of Lithium
cells. If the pack consists of 1 - 3 cells, the cell count occurs
completely automatically.
With more than 3 cells you may have to adjust the number of
cells manually using the INC/DEC buttons, as the charger
cannot reliably detect the cell count above 4 cells. In this
case the „4 cells“ display will flash. On the right-hand side of
the screen you will see the voltage of the connected battery;
this allows you to check the cell count.
Press the START button again to start the charge process.
This program determines the capacity of a Lithium battery
pack.Before actually starting the program it is essential to
check that the battery type is set correctly in the LiPo set-up
program; the settings must be adjusted if necessary.
The program initially charges the pack at the set charge
current relative to its capacity (0 … 9900 mAh), which is
shown on the left of the screen, and then discharges it at
the set discharge current (0.1 … 3.0 A) shown on the right
of the screen.The screen then displays the discharged
battery capacity.To obtain a sensible capacity display the
discharge current should be set no higher than 500 mA per
1000 mAh of battery capacity.
Note also that the set discharge current must not exceed the
maximum discharge current stated by the battery
manufacturer.Please bear in mind that excessive discharge
currents will damage the battery, and will also give a false
capacity display.
his program is designed to determine the residual capacity
of a lithium battery which is not completely discharged.
In this program the unit discharges the battery using the set
discharge current (0.1 … 3.0 A, left of screen) until it
reaches the set final discharge voltage (2.5 … 3.7 V per cell,
right of screen).
The final discharge voltage cannot be set to a value below
2.5 V per cell, as this would cause damage to the battery.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
L i P o
d i s c h a r g e
2 . 5 A
2 . 5 V / C e l l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
L i P o
c a p a c i t y
C : 2 5 0 0 m A h
D : 2 . 5 A
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* * * L i P o
c e l l s * * *
4 c e l l s
( 1 5 . 3 0 V )
Lithium type select program
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
L i t h i u m
T y p e
L i P o
This is the
most important
set-up program for Lithium
batteries.In this select program you set the appropriate
battery type.This setting must be made and checked
carefully, as the charger derives all the other charge
parameters from these settings.
Setting the battery type (LiPo or LiIo) affects the charge
termination voltage. If you find that a Lithium battery has
been unexpectedly charged up to only 2/3 of full capacity,
you may have set the wrong battery type at this point.
: if you set an incorrect value here, the battery may
be irreparably damaged, and could even explode!
! Caution ! Please take great care
to set the correct number of cells,
otherwise the pack may explode
and go up in flames!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
P b
m a n u a l
C : 2 . 5 A
In this program you can set the maximum permissible charge
current using the INC / DEC buttons, but only
connect the lead-acid battery for charging. This setting only
determines the top limit which the charger is permitted to feed
to the battery. If the battery manufacturer states a low maxi-
mum charge current, then it is important to limit the charge
current to that value to avoid the charger setting a higher
current if the battery appears to be willing to accept charge.