When you move the aileron stick to the right, the right-hand aileron should deflect up, the left-
hand aileron down.
At the butterfly (crow-brake) setting (stick back towards you), both ailerons should rise, both
camber-changing flaps fall.
Always move the transmitter sticks smoothly - never abruptly.
After each session remove the battery from the model and store it in a discharged state
(approx. 0.9 V per cell) at a temperature of about +5° to +25° C. Batteries should be kept out of
the reach of children at all times.
Please don’t misunderstand the purpose of these notes. We only want to make you aware of
the many dangers and hazards which can arise if you lack knowledge and experience, or work
carelessly or irresponsibly. If you take reasonable care, model flying is a highly creative,
instructive, enjoyable and relaxing pastime.
Building and flying the SOARMASTER COMPACT
Before you start building the model:
If you are buying a radio control system for this model, check that the transmitter and receiver are
suitable for model aircraft and bear the standard type-approval sticker.
The frequency bands used for radio control systems are shared by other radio equipment and radio-
frequency apparatus, so it cannot be guaranteed that you will not suffer interference when using your
Individual countries may require you to pay for a licence to operate your radio control equipment. In
Great Britain no fee is payable to operate 35 MHz radio control equipment, but you should check with
your local authority for any by-laws restricting its use. This information may not apply to other
Your local Post Office or model shop will be able to provide more information on this subject.
During construction
RC components and linkages must be installed when mentioned in the appropriate stage of
construction. Fitting these parts later will be more difficult, and could even be impossible.
Flying the model
Never fly your SOARMASTER COMPACT in a nature reserve or any other protected site. Please don’t
disturb the animals and plants which live in the countryside.
Trees and bushes are the natural habitat of many birds, and also serve as nesting sites and general
protection for them.
Exhausted dry cells and rechargeable batteries must not be thrown in the household waste, as they
contain toxic materials. Take all batteries back to the model shop where you purchased them, or to
your local toxic waste collection centre.
Tools required to build the SOARMASTER COMPACT
Pencil (HB lead), setsquare, household scissors, miniature electric drill, 4 mm Ø twist drill, cross-point
screwdriver, e.g. Order No. 810, allen keys, Order Nos. 551 and 806, thread-lock fluid, Order No. 952,
flat-nose pliers.
We recommend the use of DEVCON 5-minute epoxy adhesive, Order No. 961.70.
Areas of the fuselage and wing panels which are to be glued should be rubbed down with fine-grit
abrasive paper to remove any lingering traces of mould release agent. Aim at reducing the glossy
surface to a matt finish, otherwise there is little chance of a durable glued joint.
Important: don’t use more glue than is necessary, as excess adhesive just adds unnecessary weight.
Please read the instructions supplied by the adhesive manufacturer before using any particular glue.
For more information on adhesives see the main FS catalogue.