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The figure shows the assembled aileron linkage. Please note that the servo level
length should be at least 12 mm to keep the clevis from colliding with the wing.
The figure shows the servo lead exiting at the wing root. Later, use the CRP tube Ø
8x280 mm to push the halves of the wing onto the fuselage.
Fuselage and tail group
First place the motor spindle, motor mount, and locking ring onto the motor; these
parts are included as accessories in the package for Order No. 7738.
The figure shows the individual parts for the motor spindle and motor mount; tighten
all screws.
The figure shows the motor with attached motor mount and motor spindle. Separate
the motor leads and remove about 5 mm of insulation. Apply solder to the ends of all
leads and then solder on the G 3.5 connectors (included with Order No.7738).
Insulate the connector shaft with the heat-shrink sleeves (included with Order
No.7738) . Use a hair dryer to shrink the heat-shrink sleeve. Then do a test run of