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opposite face. Make sure that no residual adhesive gets on your hands or on the
surface of the model. Immediately wipe of excess adhesive with wood pulp paper.
Cyano-acrylates must not come into contact with any part of your body or the
eyes. For this reason, we recommend that you wear protective goggles when
using this material. Store the adhesive out of the reach of children. For safety
reasons, use only the adhesive mentioned above. Please observe the operating
instructions and safety notices for the respective accessories
The wing
First apply adhesive (UHU ALL PURPOSE ADHESIVE Power) to the inserted aileron
hinges and push up the aileron until there is a gap of about 1 mm. After waiting for it
to dry, check whether the aileron is secure.
Unscrew the servo cover from the wing and fit in the servo. Separate the excess
levers and drill the outermost hole of the servo lever to Ø 1.6 mm. Put the servo into
the neutral position, attach the servo level vertically, and screw it tight. Use cyano-
acrylate to glue the servo to the respective attachment tab.
Insert a string to pull the servo lead carefully into the wing. Screw on the servo cover
and make the aileron connection. Connect the pushrods and glue in the horn of the
aileron. Note: If you want to do extreme flight manoeuvres, you should use the longer
servo levers that are also included with the servo.