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each case measured at the trailing edge and inboard end of the control surface:
rudder approx. 15 mm each way, elevator approx. 12 mm up and down, ailerons
approx. 15 mm up and approx. 7 mm down.
Centre of Gravity range
The HoTT DELUXE should balance at a point between 70 and 80 mm aft of the root
leading edge of the wing. If you have fitted the recommended LiPo battery, the CG
will automatically be in this range without the need for ballast. It is a good idea to
check the model’s CG by supporting it under the wing on two fingertips at the recom-
mended point: the model should now balance level.
The photo shows the CG range, as measured from the wing root leading edge.
First flight
First give the LiPo and transmitter batteries a full charge. It is important to use
the recommended chargers exclusively, and to observe the operating instruc-
tions and safety notes supplied with the charger.
Wait for a day with no more than a light breeze, and prepare the model fully. It should
be given a fairly brisk hand-launch directly into the wind; trotting forward for a few
paces gives the right launch speed. The model’s nose should be inclined up by about
15° when it leaves the launcher’s hand.
It is essential to adjust the model’s trim carefully, especially during the first flight: this
is accomplished by moving the trim buttons below and to one side of the primary
sticks. Adjust the aileron trim button until the model flies perfectly straight. Always
land directly into wind, with the motor switched off. Gently apply up-elevator to flare
out and reduce speed just before the model touches down. It is essential always to
land directly into wind. Note: the model can be fitted at any time with an under-
carriage; all the parts required for this are included in the set, Order No. 9932.5.
The cowl is only secured with double-sided tape. If you need access for maintenance
work, slide a broad knife-blade into the separation line with the fuselage, and lift the
cowl off.
Please note: for safety reasons it is essential to disconnect the G 3.5 plug and
socket after every motor run; this also avoids damage to the LiPo battery.
All of us at GRAUPNER/SJ Modellbau hope you have many fine flights with your new