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Caution: the next procedure demands your full concentration. Take great care
to avoid glue getting onto the area of the rudder hinge. Keep some absorbent
kitchen paper to hand so that you can wipe away excess cyano immediately.
Tip: if you are not an experienced model builder, avoid using activator spray for this
procedure. Instead tape the fuselage shells together and leave the assembly while
the glue sets hard; this may take several hours.
The canopy
Glue the canopy retainer clip (12) in the fuselage as shown, and glue the mating
spigot (14) in the canopy (13).
Allow the glue to harden fully before fitting the canopy on the fuselage. Tip: if the
retainer clip (12) grips too strongly for comfort, bend the two claws outwards, working
gently and evenly.
The tailplane
Cut away the unwanted foam at both ends of the elevator, and move the control
surface repeatedly in both directions to free up the integral hinge. This procedure
should also be carried out with the wing-mounted ailerons.
Glue the spreader plate (21) to the top of the tailplane as shown, and glue the horn
(15) in the slot in the underside of the elevator.