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stern flap in the hinge area; this radius is required to allow the stern flap to fold upward.
Glue the centre hinges (part 69) together, then glue the centre hinge sleeve (part 71) in place; check
once again that the hinges line up accurately.
Drill the holes for the outer hinge sleeves (part 72).
take care to position these holes very
accurately, otherwise the stern flap will be located at an angle in the stern fairing. Mark the position of
the holes in the stern flap on the side walls. If you find that a particular hole is not in the correct position,
seal it with a little UHU acrylit and re-drill it. Glue the sleeves in place.
the principle of making the hinge pins from snake inner sleeve material makes it easy to dis-
mantle the stern flap: simply withdraw the pin using a pair of pliers, and push it back in again later. For
this reason a short length of the snake inner must always be left projecting; it will be held in place by the
camber of the shaft tunnel, and there will be sufficient material projecting by which to pull it out at any
time when necessary.
Insert the centre hinge in the stern flap and secure it with the hinge pin (part 73). Hold the stern flap in
the stern wall and insert the two outer hinge pins (part 74). Check that the stern flap can be opened and
closed smoothly and neatly, and glue the centre hinge to the stern wall when you are satisfied. It will
automatically take up the correct position provided that the stern flap is still in place.
Mark the hole positions for the guide tube (part 75) by slipping a short piece of snake sleeve in the swivel
pushrod connectors and then closing the stern flap. Now glue the guide tubes in place. Insert the snake
sleeves (part 76) in the tubes and connect them to the swivel pushrod connectors.
Attach the extensions (part 77) to the servo output arms using the retaining screws (part 78), then sand
back the projecting screw ends flush with the output arms. Mount a swivel pushrod connector (part 79)
on the output lever.
set both servo output levers to exactly the same position, and check
that they cover the same travels when commanded; this is important, otherwise the stern flap could be
distorted and jam when it is moved. Slip the snake sleeves into the swivel pushrod connectors and fix
the stern flap servos (part 80) in the hull permanently using double-sided adhesive tape.
double-sided tape with its foam core absorbs any remaining discrepancies; that is why the servos should
not be mounted rigidly.
Assemble the centre guide rollers from parts 81 to 85 using exactly the procedure described for the
identical rollers in the stern cradle.
the laser-cut guide roller brackets for the large stern flap rollers are deliberately supplied over-
length. The builder must adjust them, as the roller brackets also have to be bent to suit the installation.
For this reason it is advisable to complete the rollers first, glue the brackets to the axles, and then
shorten the brackets and bend them so that they hold the rollers in the correct position. The principle of
assembly is the same as that employed for the guide rollers you have already prepared.
ensure that there is still sufficient space for the daughter boat when the stern flap is closed. Assemble
the lower rollers from parts 86 to 90, the centre rollers from parts 91 to 95, and the upper rollers from
parts 96 to 100. The roller brackets should be glued in place once you have checked their action and
trimmed them to fit.
Bend the stern flap bar (part 101) from the 5 mm Ø thick ABS round rod supplied.
it is much easier
to bend the material if you gently heat the area to be curved using a heat-gun beforehand. Glue the bar
to the stern flap.
Glue together the lateral roller brackets (part 102) and fix them to the stern flap in the position shown on
the plan. Assemble the roller bracket braces (part 103), trim them to fit and glue them in place per-
manently. Glue a guide roller bracket (part 104) to the roller bracket, assemble the roller and axle from
parts 105 to 108, fit the roller and axle and glue the remaining guide roller brackets on top.
Glue one bulwark inner wall (part 109) to the hull in the transition area between the main deck and the
forecastle deck on each side. Glue the upper reinforcements (part 110) in place, followed by the four
stanchions (part 111) and the inner braces (part 122). Trim the stanchion supports (part 113) to fit, and
glue these centrally to the stanchions.
Cut pieces of ribbed sheet (part 116) to fit the lower (part 114) and upper (part 115) companionway steps
and glue them in place; the steps can then be glued to the main deck in the appropriate position.
check that the superstructure still fits between the companionways before fixing them in place.
Cut out the bulwark (part 117), trim the bottom edge to follow the deck’s two changes in line, and glue it
to the deck; note that the bulwark should lie flush with the edge of the forecastle deck.
Cut out the two bulwark fenders (part 118 and 119), trim them to fit where they meet the hull rubbing
strake, and glue them to the deck in the area of the change of line.
Cut out the bow hawse (part 120), glue the outside of it to the bulwark in the correct position, then cut
away the side areas and glue the inner part in place, keeping the edges flush.
Glue together the side boxes (part 121) and glue them to the deck in the appropriate position. Note that
the boxes should rest snugly against the bulwark.
Glue the lateral hawses (part 122) to the inside of the bulwark at the ends, then open up the hawse