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overhanging covering paper carefully over the external edge of the respective part
and always remove it in the direction of the outer edge with a grinding block. Due to
this method, cutting edges are not visible later and the paper is already wrinkle-free.
Note: By applying the paint to the damp paper, the adhesive spots are noticeably
white after drying, but these non-beautiful spots disappear when the model is painted
several times with a dilute paint. The model can be embellished with red and black
decoration elements. The covering is finished with the cutting and gluing of the
R/C installing
Screw the elevator unit with the countersunk head screw (92).
Screw the servos into the fuselage, screws and servo levers are supplied with the
servos. Install both control horns (88) with the fastening elements (89) and (90).
Connect the pushrods and install the other RC components according to the plan.
Check the functions by the transmitter. If necessary, adjust the neutral position of the
control surfaces by adjusting the rudder horns.
Fasten the wing to the fuselage with 4 pieces of rubber rings (95).
The weighing is carried out in ready-to-fly condition, ie with complete RC equipment.
The center of gravity is measured at 110 mm from the wing front edge.
The center of gravity is checked by substaining the model with two fingers at the
center of gravity below the wing. The model should then be balanced and levelled. If
necessary, move the receiver battery until the center of gravity is correct. Cover the
receiver and receiver battery with foam. Note: The center of gravity of the model
AMIGO V is relatively far behind, which is due to the profile of the elevator.
Adjustment angle difference and control surfaces deflections
The adjustment angle difference (AAD) between the setting angle of the wing + +2.5°
and the el +0.5 ° is 2 °. If the model is built according to the construction
plan, this is automatically correct. Select the maximum rudder deflection as large as
possible, approx. 40 ° to each side. For the elevator, adjust approx. 15 ° upwards and
downwards. Please note that the AMIGO V is by no means aerobatic and is not
suitable for radical manoeuvres.
Fly the fully-built model with fully charged batteries, neutrally adjusted rowing in wind-
still or weak winds. To fly the model is necessary a levelled or lightly inclined in the
wind direction free surface. Note: Push the model into the air by hand against the
wind direction. During the take off the nose of the model should be lightly (approx. 5°)
inclined downward. The model can be controlled by means of minimal rudder and
elevator corrections. The trimming of the model is carried out over the trim sliders
below or next to the sticks. Always land against the wind direction.
Graupner whishes you many happy and relaxing flights with your new airplane model