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Now connect the two half-wings together, first adjust, then glue. Make sure that the V
shape of the exterior parts is the same on the left and right. Glue the corners (72) to
(74) flush with the underside of the wing.
Now, sand and refine the wing according to section H-H and I-I, round the edge bow
(79) according to section J-J. Finally, connect the two halves of the wing with the
wing connector (82), correct the angle of the ribs (46) if necessary. Now apply the
cover ribs (80). Fit the end edge reinforcement (81) and glue with polyamide tape
(21) using cyano glue. Finally, insert the dowels (48) and secure them with a small
amount of cyano adhesive.
Cover the model with covering film. Coat the fuselage in several individual segments
with thin covering film, 11 g / m². First, the fuselage bottom, then the fuselage nose
and the back of the fuselage, finally the fuselage sides. The wing is covered with four
segments each half-wing, using 19g/m² covering film and starting with the underside.
Cover the individual parts of the tail-plane separately. It is important that the
components do not warp during the covering process.
The application of the covering film is carried out according to the following principle:
First coat the entire, smooth-ground wooden parts on which the covering paper is
applied several times with transparent SPANNFIX Spannlack. Then, for each model
segment, e.g. for the underside of a wing half, cut the exceeding film. Hold the cut
strip of the covering paper in the air and moisten it well with a water spray bottle, then
place it on the part to be covered and apply it smoothly. Immediately in wet condition,
apply with a fine brush some diluted Spannlack only to the areas in contact with the
wood. In this step, the covering paper bonds with the substrate. Cover the still moist,