grace design m906
owner’s manual
cue mode
screenshot 10
4. Rotate the ‘main level/edit’ rotary encoder in a clockwise direction to increase the value. Rotate the encoder in a
counter-clockwise motion to decrease the value. The individual Left and Right levels can be trimmed as well by
pressing the “Left” or “Right” buttons in the solo/mute button row. The trim range for each channel is +/-10dB
(screenshot 11).
CUE channel offset
screenshot 11
5. Once you’re satisfied with the new cue output level values, you can enter into a special “speaker 3 calibration mode”
(see below), select a new function to edit or exit CAL mode.
6. Exit CAL mode and return to the normal operating state by pressing the flashing CAL switch.
caLiBRatinG SteReo SPeakeR 3 oUtPUt LeveLS
As noted earlier in this manual, the m906 provides access to a third stereo speaker output pair, known
as “speaker 3”. This is a mode that is controlled via the MON > CUE switch, and that uses the cue outputs
to drive a third pair of stereo control room monitors. The m906 allows you to calibrate these levels just
like any other speaker output set. The relative range of calibration is +/- 10dB in 0.5dB steps. If you are in
“speaker 3” mode, then the following steps will allow you to calibrate the Speaker 3 output level:
1. Enter CAL mode by pressing the CAL switch. The switch LED will begin to flash, indicating that you’re now in
calibration mode. All other switch LED’s on the remote control unit will be unlit. If you inadvertently entered CAL
mode, simply press the CAL switch again. You’ll be returned to the normal operating state of the m906 and the CAL
switch LED will extinguish.
2. Press the MON > CUE switch. The switch LED will begin to flash.
3. “CAL” will be displayed in the headphone level LED display while the current speaker 3 set output offset level
will be shown in the ‘main level/edit’ LED window. A value of “0” indicates that there is no offset level currently
programmed. Speaker 3 Offset will be displayed in the LCD window (screenshot 12)
speaker 3 mode
screenshot 12
4. Rotate the ‘main level/edit’ rotary encoder in a clockwise direction to increase the value of level offset. Rotate the
encoder in a counter-clockwise motion to decrease the value.
5. If you’d like, you can also edit each of speaker 3’s left/right channel level offsets. To do this, simply press the “left” or
“right” solo/mute switch and enter the desired values (screenshot 13).