grace design m906
owner’s manual
Clock, Protools LOOP-SYNC Clock or Super Clock signal. The clock type you choose to use is entirely
up to you. You may like a particular external Word Clock generating device that you reference your
entire digital audio system to or you might feel completely comfortable with an embedded clock from
a digital audio stream. From our point of view, it matters little as our s-Locktm PLL (Phase Lock Loop) will
automatically be applied once it detects the incoming clock source. Read more about s-Locktm below.
The SEL switch, located below the LCD window, is used to select the clock source you’d like to use as a
reference for the m906 system. The LCD will show the currently selected source. If you’d like to change
the current selection, repeatedly pressing the SEL switch will cycle you through the available choices
(SUPC). The LCD text will flash if there is no valid clock available at the input selected. When the m906
has locked to the selected clock source the text in the LCD will be solid. The clock source preference for
each digital input is saved in non volatile memory.
To avoid inadvertent clock source changes, a clock select lockout feature is available in the CAL mode.
When this feature is enabled, pressing the SEL button will not toggle the clock source, but instead will
display “LOCKOUT!”.
aBoUt S-Lock
s-Lock is our new PLL circuitry that has been specifically developed for both the m906 and its stereo
brother, the m904. The truly wonderful thing about s-Lock is that regardless of the condition of the
external clock used as a reference for the m906, s-Lock will take this clock source and provide an
extremely stable and ultra-low jitter clock to run the DACs without the use of sample rate convertion.
Here’s a bit more detail on how this works:
S-Lock is a crystal-based PLL used for regenerating the incoming digital clock. The crystals used have
extremely low intrinsic jitter and are capable of locking to sample rates of up to 192kHz. When the digital
input selected for the DAC is active, the s-Lock circuitry automatically captures the incoming recovered
clock from AES3, S/PDIF, TOSLINK, or ADAT or from an external Word Clock or Super Clock. Once phase-
lock with the incoming signal has been achieved, the DACs, which have been running off the original
clock, are switched to run off the ultra-low jitter s-Lock system clock. If at any time s-Lock is lost or not
achieved, the DACs are run off the original clock. The s-Lock system can effectively lock to input sample
rates of 44.1kHz or 48kHz +/- 10Hz, 88.2kHz or 96kHz +/- 20Hz and 176.4kHz or /- 40Hz.
If the incoming digital audio signal or word clock frequency is outside of these tolerances or if an invalid
clock source is selected the s-Lock circuit will not lock and the s-Lock indicator on the system LCD not
be visible. Even if the s-Lock does not achieve lock, the digital audio receiver circuits in the m906 can
achieve excellent recovered clock jitter performance.
SeLectinG SPeakeR oUtPUtS
The m906 provides the following speaker output sets:
5.1 CR OUT 1 (balanced via female DB-25 connector)