grace design m906
owner’s manual
ConneCTInG The m906
Okay, let’s get started in making the necessary connections to get your m906 up and running. First thing
to do is mount the Audio Control Unit in a rack. If you’re not rack mounting the unit, you should attach
the supplied rubber feet on each corner of the chassis so you won’t scratch it or the surface you place
it on.
One important consideration is where to position the external power supply. The supplied cable to
connect the power supply to the Audio Control Unit is 8’ (2.8m) long. The power supply can be mounted
in a standard rack tray (not supplied) via the 10/32” mounting thread located towards the rear of the
supply on the bottom panel.
PoWeR connectionS
The Disconnect Device for the m906 system is the Mains plug or the Appliance Coupler
on the power supply cord. The Disconnect Device must remain accessible and operable.
The power supply cord supplied with the m906 must be connected to a mains outlet
with a protective earthing connection.
GRoUnDinG oPtionS
In certain installations, it may be desirable to separate the m906’s signal ground from the power supply
chassis and earth grounds. Noise inducing ground loops can be broken while retaining the safety feature
of the grounded AC cable. The m906 should not be operated with a ground lift or “cheater” plug on the
AC power cord. Simply set the AUDIO GND toggle switch on the rear panel of the power supply unit to
the desired setting (ISO or EARTH).
cHeck Line voLtaGe SettinGS
The power supply unit has been set from the factory to operate at the voltage required for your part of
the world. However, it’s important to double-check this in order to ensure no damage will come to the
unit if power is applied while the setting is incorrect.
Line voLtaGe SeLectoR
To change the line voltage, use a small screwdriver to pry open the voltage select door. Carefully remove
the voltage select cam and re-insert it with the desired voltage showing. Use Table 1 below for voltage
settings and fuse values.
Table 1 Voltage and Fuse information
250V~ T 800mA L
250V~ T 800mA L
250V~ T 500mA L
250V~ T 500mA L
250V~ T 500mA L