Your Actions
9. To enter another calibration point,
go back and repeat Steps 3
through 8.
10. To end calibration, press and
After you release the
hold both buttons for about 3
buttons, the computer will
seconds until you see the
resume normal operations
“CAL End” message.
with the new cal point(s)
11. If you HAVE NOT entered a
After you release the but-
K-factor, you can exit calibration tons, the computer will
without changing the cal curve.
resume normal operations
If the message KF 01 is showing and the old curve (if you
and you have not entered a
have entered one in the
K-factor, hold both buttons for
past) is still intact.
about 3 seconds until you see a
“CAL End” message.
Your Actions
1. Hold down CALIBRATE while
Remember that Field
pressing and releasing DISPLAY
Calibration curves are not
until the Field Calibration curve
appears (“CAL B” or “CAL C”
message will be displayed).
Release both buttons.
2. To calibrate, press and hold the
This step puts the unit
CALIBRATE button. While con-
in dispense-display field
tinuing to hold CALIBRATE, also
calibration mode
press and hold the DISPLAY
button. Hold both buttons for
about 3 seconds until you see a
blinking “dd-CAL” message.
Once the “dd-CAL” message
appears, release both buttons.
You are now in field calibration
Your Actions
3. Once the buttons have been
The computer is waiting
released from Step 2, the display for you to make a decision
will show the blinking message
to either exit from field
“run 01.”
calibration mode or to
begin a dispense run. If
you want to exit the cali-
bration now, go to Step 11.
4. If you want to continue with the
calibration, but have not dispens-
ed any fluid yet, make your final
preparations to your pumping
system, but don’t start pumping
5. Start your pumping system so
When the computer dis-
that fluid flows through the meter. plays a non-blinking “run
The display will stop blinking and 01” message, it is sensing
show the “run 01” message.
fluid flow. For the most
Dispense into a container that
accurate results, dispense
allows you to judge the amount of at a flowrate which best
fluid pumped. When you have
simulates your actual
pumped the desired amount
operating conditions.
(for example, 10 gallons), stop the Avoid “dribbling” more
fluid flow quickly.
fluid or repeatedly starting
and stopping the flow -
these actions will result in
less accurate calibrations.
6. Once the flow has stopped, briefly When the display shows
press and release both buttons.
“0000.00” the computer
At this point the computer display has stopped “watching”
will change to “0000.00” with the for fluid flow and is now
left-hand digit blinking.
waiting for you to enter
some numbers.
7. Enter the volume (amount) of fluid
that you dispensed (for example,
if your 10-gallon container is full,
enter “10.00” for gallons or “37.85”
for litres). To enter numbers use
the CALIBRATE button to change
the value of the digit that is blink-
ing and use the DISPLAY button
to shift the “blink” to the next digit.
8. Once the correct number has been You have installed the
entered, briefly press and release new cal-curve point. You
both buttons. The display will now are ready to end calibra-
change to a blinking “run 02”
tion (Step 10) or enter
another new calibration
point (Step 9).