Your Actions
1. First select a Calibration Curve.
Remember that Factory
To do so, hold down CALIBRATE
Calibration curves are
while pressing and releasing
displayed with the word
DISPLAY until the desired Field
PRESET. If LTR is present,
Calibration curve appears (GAL,
it will always show PRESET.
CAL B or CAL C message will be
displayed). Release both buttons.
Local Mount:
The Field
Calibration curves are
shown as CAL B or CAL C
with the PRESET message
Remote Mount:
The Field
Calibration curves are
shown as GAL, CAL B or
CAL C with the PRESET
message absent.
2. To calibrate, press and hold both
This step puts the unit in
the CALIBRATE button and the
K-factor input mode
DISPLAY button. Hold for about
3 seconds until the KF CAL mes-
sage appears. Then release both
buttons. Your are now in K-factor
input mode.
Your Actions
3. Once you release the buttons,
The computer is waiting
the display will show the blinking
for you to make a decision
message KF 01 (or KF 02, KF 03, to either enter a K-factor
etc., if you are repeating this step). or exit calibration. If you
want to exit the calibration
now, go to Step 11.
4. If you want to continue with the
It is possible to set up to
calibration, press either button
15 cal-curve points, and
briefly and release it.
the KF ## and Pr ##
messages will increase
increments each time you
repeat the calibration pro-
cess (KF 01, Pr 01, KF 02,
Pr 02, KF03, Pr 03, etc.,
up to KF 15 Pr 15).
5. The display will change to a nu-
NOTE: K-factors are
meric representation of the current entered as number of
K-factor for this point (for example pulses per unit measure.
00564.0) with the left hand digit
When calibrating GAL, use
blinking. Use the CALIBRATE but- only pulses per gallon.
ton to change the numeric value
When calibrating CAL B or
and the DISPLAY button to change CAL C, most unit
the digit location, enter the K-fac- measures are acceptable
tor of the new cal point. When you (for example, per litre,
are finished, press both buttons
briefly and release.
KF 01
6. Once you release the buttons,
The computer is waiting
the display will show the blinking for you to enter a pulse
message “Pr 01” (or Pr 02, Pr 03, rate. Pulse rates are
etc., if you are repeating this
entered as pulses per
step). Press either button briefly
second. NOTE: If you
and release it.
elected to enter a single
K-factor, you must still
enter a pulse rate (any
rate will work, such as
100), otherwise you will
receive an Error message.
7. After you have released one of
To enter numbers, use the
the buttons, the display will
CALIBRATE button to
change to a numeric representa- change the value of the
tion of the old pulse rate for this
digit that is blinking and
point (for example 00047.1) with
use the DISPLAY button
the left hand digit blinking. Enter to shift the blink to the
the pulse rate of the new cal
next digit.
8. Once the correct number has
You have installed the new
been entered, press both but-
cal-curve point. You are
tons, and the display will show a ready to end calibration
“KF CAL” message. When you
(Step 10) or enter another
release the buttons, the display
new calibration point
will change to a blinking “KF 02” (Step 9).
(or greater) message. At this
point the computer is reminding
you that the next value to be
entered will be a K-factor.
Pr 01
The GPI electronics allows for “field” calibration, that is,
user entry of custom calibration parameters. A “single point”
calibration may be used on the GPI GM series, or any other
positive displacement meter, with excellent results. Any pulse
generating device that changes K-factor with varying flowrate
(turbine meter, paddlewheel, etc.) should be calibrated to at
least three points throughout the anticipated flow range for
best accuracy. Up to 15 points can now be entered. The use
of dependable, accurate calibration equipment is highly rec-
ommended for the most accurate results. Additionally, each
curve can be calibrated to a different fluid.
The display will have either a K-factor Entry or a Dispense/
Display Field Calibration. If you need to switch from one kind of
calibration to another, please see CONFIGURATION section.
The K-factor of your meter is usually located on the housing
or nameplate of the meter body. It will also appear on the
Calibration report. Or call GPI Customer Service at 888-996-
3837 for assistance.
The litre calibration is determined using the gallon calibration
information. Enter the K-factor as pulse per gallon in the GAL
curve. This will correctly calibrate the LTR PRESET curve. You
may still remove the GAL indication on the display using the
computer electronics configuration procedure.