Your Actions
9. To enter another calibration point, It is possible to set up to
go back and repeat Steps 3
15 cal-curve points, and
through 8.
the “run ##” message will
increment each time you
repeat the calibration
process (run 01, run 02,
run 03, etc., up to run 15).
10. To end calibration, press and hold After you release the
both buttons for about 3 seconds buttons, the computer will
until you see the “CAL End”
resume normal operations
with the new cal point(s)
11. If you HAVE NOT dispensed any
After you release the
fluid, you can exit calibration with- buttons, the computer will
out changing the cal curve. If the
resume normal operation
message “run 01” is showing and and the old curve (if you
you have not dispensed any fluid, have entered one in the
hold both buttons for about
past) is still intact.
3 seconds until you see a
“CAL End” message.
1. Battery not connected properly
Check battery connections.
2. Battery flat
Replace battery.
3. Faulty wiring connections
Check wiring for loose or faulty connections.
4. Faulty LCD
Replace computer assembly.
5. Faulty connection from computer Check wiring connections.
to Pulse PCB
Replacing the Battery
Replace the battery when the readout becomes dim or blank.
Replace the battery with a 9-volt lithium battery. Order GPI
part number 902006-44.
To replace the battery:
1. Remove the two large screws and two small screws from
the battery coverplate.
2. Remove the battery coverplate and gasket.
3. Remove the battery and clean any corrosion from the
NOTE: Coat the terminals with petroleum jelly to protect
against corrosion.
4. Install the new battery.
5. Check the gasket for damage and replace as needed.
Position gasket and coverplate to align, insert screws
and tighten.
NOTE: Batch and Cumulative Total return to zero when the
battery fails or is disconnected. The factory calibration
is retained in the computer permanently and will display
when the battery is replaced.
Store at temperatures between 14°F to 140°F (–10°C to +60°C).