The calibration and display features may have been pro-
grammed at the factory, indicated by the word “PRESET”
on the display (see Display 1), and further user programming
is not required. If the unit was purchased as an accessory,
remote or as a spare part, the calibration features
will not
appropriate for the user installation and must be calibrated
before use. If desired, the display features can be changed
in the field.
D I S P L A Y 1
Configuration determines what information is present on the
LCD display. For instance, total, flowrate, number of decimal
places, number of calibration curves, etc.
The Display has been programmed with many features, which
can be enabled by the end user through the configuration
process. By disabling unnecessary features, day-to-day
flowmeter operation can be greatly simplified, making the
unit easier to use. Alternately, there are several features not
found in the default configuration.
Available features include:
• 0 to 3 totals, either resettable (Batch) or non-resettable
• Flowrate in units per minute, hour or day or no flowrate.
• 1 to 3 different calibration curves.
• K-factor entry or Dispense-Display calibration proce
• 0 to 3 decimal resolution (0000; 000.0; 00.00)
Changing Configuration Settings
Access to the configuration settings require a specific pro-
cedure and a pin code available through the GPI website at
www.gpi.net or call GPI Customer Serivce at 888-996-3837.
All non-PRESET displays must be calibrated before
About Calibration
Calibration determines that the information presented
matches your particular meter. For instance, the “S20N” 2
inch turbine has approximately 100 pulses per US gallon
whereas the “GM020” 2 inch oval gear meter has 25.3 pulses
per US gallon. The display must be calibrated for correct and
accurate display information.
To determine if the Pulse Out with Display has been configured
and calibrated at the factory to your specific meter, view the
display. If “GAL” is followed by the word “PRESET,” it has
been configured and calibrated. If “GAL” is
followed by
the word “PRESET,” the display must be calibrated.
All operations are reflected in the LCD readout. The top line
identifies the calibration curve. The middle line reflects flow
information. The bottom line shows information from the
totalizer. Words or “flags” display on the top and bottom line
to further identify specific information.
NOTE: Operations can be practiced prior to installation. To
simulate flow conditions, blow gently through the meter.
Turn On
The unit is on when any display is present. It turns on auto-
matically when liquid flows through the meter. It can be turned
on manually by pressing and releasing the DISPLAY button.
Turn Off
Whenever no flow has been sensed for one minute, the unit
automatically switches to a power-saving “sleep” mode with
a blank display. The unit will automatically “wake up” the
moment any flow is sensed and will remain awake as long
as fluid is flowing. Totals are never lost during sleep periods.
Batch and Cumulative Totals
Total flags are displayed on the bottom line. The Cumula-
tive Total (labeled TOTAL 1 LOCKED) is the total of all fluid
measured since the meter’s power was connected. (At your
first use, the Cumulative Total may not read zero because of
calibration at the factory.) The Batch Total (labeled TOTAL 2)
indicates flow during a single use.
Clearing a Totalizer
The Batch totalizer register (TOTAL 2) may be independently
cleared to 0.00 at any time. To clear a batch totalizer, with
the desired totalizer displayed, press and hold the DISPLAY
button. At about 3 seconds, the displayed total will be cleared
to “0.00.” You can do this even while fluid is flowing, in which
case counting will resume after you release the DISPLAY
The Cumulative totalizer register is labeled as TOTAL 1
LOCKED indicating that it cannot be manually zeroed (See
Display 2). The Cumulative totalizer can be cleared only when
the batteries are removed, go dead or when the Cumulative
Total reaches the maximum value of 999,999.