D I S P L A Y 2
D I S P L A Y 3
Flowrate Mode
The Rate of Flow feature is accessed by briefly pressing and
releasing the DISPLAY button as described above. When this
feature is activated, the word “FLOWRATE” displays to the
left on the bottom line (See Display 3) and the numbers in the
middle of the display reflect the rate of flow (instead of total).
Units are set to update the display every 5 seconds, so the
first reading after flow starts or changes and the last reading
after flow stops or changes will not be correct. This is normal.
Changing Display Registers
To change to another totalizer register or to FLOWRATE mode
during normal operation, watch the bottom line display flags
while you briefly press and release the DISPLAY button. When
you press and release the display buttons, the mode will ad-
vance as follows: TOTAL 1 LOCKED (Cumulative Total), TOTAL
2 (Batch Total), FLOWRATE, TOTAL 1 LOCKED (etc.). You can
change registers at any time, even during flow. Non-visible
totalizer registers will continue to accumulate.
NOTE: Generally, display registers change when the buttons
are released.
Calibration Curves
The GPI electronics have enhanced calibration features. All
calibration information is visible to the user as words in the
upper part of the display, above the numeric digits.
The calibration curve(s) may be set by the user, and can be
changed or modified at any time using the calibration pro-
cedure described below in the CALIBRATION section. Totals
or flowrate derived from the field calibration are visible when
the field calibration setting is selected.
Selecting a Different Calibration Setting
You can switch between GAL and LTR modes at will without
“corrupting” totalizer contents. For example, the computer
can totalize 10.00 gallons. If the user switches to LTR mode,
the display will immediately change to “37.85” (the same
amount in units of litres). GAL / LTR switching also works in
To select a different calibration setting, first press and hold
the CALIBRATE button. Continue to hold it while also briefly
pressing and releasing the DISPLAY button (you may then
also release the CALIBRATE button). The flag indicators in
the upper area of the display will change to show the newly
selected calibration setting. Calibration settings change in this
order: GAL, LTR, CAL B, CAL C, GAL, etc. While fluid is flow-
ing only the GAL and LTR selections may be made, however,
when NO fluid flow is occurring, any setting may be selected.
A small propeller displays to indicate liquid is flowing through
the meter.