Device Description HG G-71912-A | English, Revision 03 | Date: 28.03.2018
Chapter 3 – Mounting
3.1 Transponder
The maximum reading distance for all transponders can only be achieved when the mini-
mum distance to metal surfaces is maintained. There are some transponder types especial-
ly optimized for the mounting directly on metal. To clarify the configuration, it is essential to
carry out tests!
As mentioned above, it is recommendable to maintain the minimum distances within the
metal-free area (Figure 2). The impact on positioning accuracy and range also depends on
the size and distance of metal parts.
Figure 2
Minimum spacings around the transponders (on-track mounting) and the antenna HG G-
Alternatively the transponder can be mounted level with the road. In this case, the antenna
has to be placed into an accordingly lower position to ensure the nominal reading distance.
Electric power lines (for example for charging points) may not be passed in this area, as the
reading of the code will be complicated or the code will be falsified by pulses which may
metal-free area
reading distance
isolation and distance plate (optional)