Device Description HG G-71912-A | English, Revision 03 | Date: 28.03.2018
Chapter 6 – Software (C)AN-Parameters
By entering
in the main menu the CANopen® is called up.
The third line shows the status of the CAN status register.
The line below shows the CANopen® status: CANonline changes to CANoffline, if for exam-
ple the CAN bus plug is pulled or if a missing terminator causes the CAN controller to
change to the BUSOFF mode. Besides that, the CANopen® Node status stopped, preoper-
ational or operational is displayed.
The intern status is always 0 in normal case.
Figure 17
Menu: (C)AN Parameters
In this menu, the following options can be chosen:
by pressing
, CANopen is activated
: the node adress between 1..127 can be effected,
: the listed baudrates can be chosen, the function autobaud is not implemented
: PDO_1 operational mode can be chosen. With values between 1..240 the syn-
chronous, cyclical respectively with 255 the asynchronous mode can be set, The fol-
lowing submenus are only available in the asynchronous mode:
: the time of cycle of the PDO_1 transmission can be chosen
: the inhibit time of PDO_1 can be entered here. It is the shortest time possi-
ble between two transmissions. If the values
are 0, the PDO is not
: the so-called Heartbeat time can be altered and a control message is sent. With t
= 0 no message is sent. If a value is entered, the toggle bit of the node status is not
switched anymore (Node-Guarding function).
: the autorun mode is (de)activated.
S:0007 D:-0008 Code: 000f0000 Read: 10 E: 8120 N: 0 Ftx[Hz]:128000
SR = 00: NO ERROR / / / /
CAN online : Pre-Operational / int.Status: 0000
(C)ANopen active 1
(N)ode ID [1..127]: 4
(B)aud Rate [10,20,50,125,250,500,1000kB]: 250
(T)PDO Mode [1..240,255]: 1
(H)eartbeat time [0,10..65535 ms]: 100
(A)utostart 0
(L)owbyte first 0
(Q)uit Menue