Device Description HG G-71910-C | English, Revision 03 | Date: 17.09.2019
Software – Chapter 6
Basic C(
)N-Parameter (section on page 40)
)-Open Parameter (section on page 41)
)-Out (section on page 42)
)ut-Test (section on page 42)
)rite Transponder (section on page 42)
)pdate Firmware (C)alculation Coefficients
This menu is not in use anymore. (S)erial Output
Alterations within this menu become effective by resetting the system (turn the an
tenna off and on). Dependent upon the alterations made, you might have to use a
different baud rate / text document to start the monitor afterwards (section 6.3.1 on
page 34).
Figure 14
Menu: (S)erial Output
Input of
enables switching between 9600 and 19200 Baud. Via
it is possible
to select, whether the highest byte is to be output first or last. When connecting this
equipment with a Siemens PLC, this parameter has to be 0 (
High Byte first
influences the composition of the output telegram. The check sum of the tran
sponder protocol can not be removed.
Based on the values given in Table 6 „Data words in a telegram of 15 byte length
(corresponding to 14 data byte)“ on page 19, you can define the desired elements of
your telegram
by hexadecimal addition. The sequence of the parameters cannot
be influenced. It will always comply with the sequence in the table!
You only want to display the code and the start character:
Enter the values 0000.0004 (according to the table) and 0000.0001 for the start
character. The telegram length is 4 bytes for the code and 1 byte for the start char
acter, adding up to
Using „(
)isplay Telegram Content“ it is possible to check the generated telegram
(see Figure 15). In this example the mask has the value 0000.007f. Press any key to
return to the menu
Serial Output
S:0043 X:+0052 DELTA_X: +0 Code: 00db93a1 Read: 44 E: 0000 N: 0
(B)audrate: 9600
(O)rder of Data Transfer (0= HiByte first): 0
(T)elegram Content Mask [0..7F]: 00000045
(D)isplay Telegram Content
(C)har-Delaytime [100..220ms]: 220
(P)rozedur 3964R
(A)ck-Delaytime (3964R) [100.1680ms]: 1680
Co(n)tinous Telegrams 1
(S)erial Clock [1..1000ms]: 8
(Q)uit Menue