Device Description HG G-71910-C | English, Revision 03 | Date: 17.09.2019
Chapter 6 – Software
Figure 15
Output „(D)isplay Telegram Content“
The parameter „(
)har Delaytime“ is the so-called character delay for the procedure
3964R (refer to appendix, section 9.2 „Procedure 3964R“ on page 48) and the time
out period for incoming characters for the transparent procedure (refer to appendix,
section 9.3 „Procedure „transparent““ on page 49).
Select the desired procedure – 3964R or transparent – by pressing
. For procedure
3964R, the acknowledgement delay is adjustable additionally.
When set to (1) this activates the permanent output, according to the
for Sampling
(Menu Time&Code, refer to section on page 38). When set
to (0) the output is only generated when a transponder is decoded within the reading
range of the antenna.
defines the period of the serial and the CAN output. If you change this please
keep in mind the duration and baud rate of the configured telegram (for the calcula
tion refer to Figure 12 on page 19). (T)ime & Code
This menu enables the setting of timing values for the transponder decoding, the po
sition calculation and the positioning pulse.
Figure 16
Menu: (T)ime & Code
Since the code transfer is only secured by a simple parity check, two additional safe
ty strategies have been implemented in order to achieve a higher data protection:
S:0030 X:+0054 DELTA_X: -245 Code: 00000000 Read: 35 E: 0000 N:0
STX 1 Bytes from Position: 1
Delta_X 2 Bytes from Position: 2
CODE 4 Bytes from Position: 4
SUM_1 2 Bytes from Position: 8
DIF_X 2 Bytes from Position: 10
CodesRd 1 Bytes from Position: 12
ERROR 2 Bytes from Position: 13
(Q)uit Menue
S:0041 X:+0054 DELTA_X: +0 Code: 00db93a1 Read: 44 E: 0000 N: 0
(H)igh-Nibble of RW-Code [0..F,>F]: 10
(N)umber of equal Codes [0..15]: 1
(T)hreshold for Decoding [10.1023]: 200
(C)lear parallel Code 0
DT(R)-Pulse Time [n*1ms]: 100
DTR-(S)etup Time [n*1ms]: 50
(1) DTR - Pulse per Code 0
(L)evel for Positioning [10.1023]: 300
PosiPulse (a)fter Decoding 1
(P)osi-Pulse Time [n*1ms]: 100
(O)ne Positioning Pulse per Crossing 0
(X) tuned POSI-DATA_RDY Pulse 1
(Q)uit Menue