Main Features
Main Features
Main Features
Main Features
Monophonic analogue feedback synthesizer with build in granulator/delay effects.
2 oscillators with waveforms morphable from sine to triangle to saw to square to
noise and with osc sync.
2 analogue filters - 1 multimode (lpf, bpf, hpf) and 1 bpf.
1 routable digital multimode filter.
New Gotharman engineered analogue feedback circuit with g-RAY - NEW sound
creating possibilities.
Analogue VCA and overdrive - fully controllable.
Fully programable and controllable 16-step step granulator - Delay/granulator
times up to 1.5 second.
Ring modulator, that can process both internal sounds and sounds coming via the
external audio input.
External audio input lets you process any sound with Anamono's filters, g-RAY
feedback circuit, granulator/delay, ringmodulator and analogue overdrive.
2 envelopes and 2 step-modulators, all having 2 sets of settings, that can be
morphed between, using any modulation source.
2 LFO's with morphable waveforms and key-sync.
256 preset memory locations – All user-writable in eeproms – No back-up battery.
All parameters controlable with MIDI NRPN numbers - Many direct with MIDI