Edit 1 – Amp envelope sustain level 1:
Value: 0 to 255. This is the level, the amp envelope will
decay to, during the decay time. As long as a MIDI note on is held, it will stay at this level.
value is only completely active, if the morph control on AMP edit page 5 are in position zero,
and morph modulation has the value + 0.
Edit 2 – Amp envelope release time 1:
Value 0 to 255. This adjusts the time it will take, for the
sound to fade out, after a MIDI note off has been received. The higher the value, the slower it will
fade out.
This value is only completely active, if the morph control on AMP edit page 5 are in
position zero, and morph modulation has the value + 0.
Edit 1 – Amp envelope attack time 2:
Value: 0 to 255. The higher the value, the slower the rise of
the sound, when a MIDI note on are received, will be.
This value is only completely active, if the
morph control on AMP edit page 5 are in position 255.
Edit 2 – Amp envelope decay time 2:
Value 0 to 255. After the amp envelope has rised to it’s max
value during the attack time, it will decay to it’s sustain level. The higher the value, the slower it
will decay.
This value is only completely active, if the morph control on AMP edit page 5 are
in position 255.
2 S . R . .
X 255 20 .
3 A2 . D2 . .
X 0 20 .