Edit 1 – Amp envelope sustain level 2:
Value: 0 to 255. This is the level, the amp envelope will
decay to, during the decay time. As long as a MIDI note on is held, it will stay at this level.
value is only completely active, if the morph control on AMP edit page 5 are in position 255.
Edit 2 – Amp envelope release time 2:
Value 0 to 255. This adjusts the time it will take, for the
sound to fade out, after a MIDI note off has been received. The higher the value, the slower it will
fade out.
This value is only completely active, if the morph control on AMP edit page 5 are in
position 255.
Edit 1 – Amp envelope morph control:
Value 0 to 255. At value zero, the first set of envelope
settings are used, at value 255 the second set of envelope settings are used. At values 1 to 254 it
morphs between the first and the second settings.
Edit 2 – Amp envelope morph modulation:
Value –128 to +127. A negative value inverts the
Encoder – Amp envelope morph modulation source:
Value: Any of the 16 modulation sources.
Edit 1 – Sound overall volume:
Value: 0 to 255.
Edit 2 – Amp overdrive:
Value 0 to 255. Adds a crunchy analogue overdrive to the sound. When
turning this up, you might want to turn the overall volume down. Else it will be quite noisy!
4 S2 . R2 . .
X 255 20 .
5 Mrph. Mod. Sorc
X 0 + 0 Env
6 Vol . Drive . .
X 255 20 .