4. Frame mounting
For each speaker you will need :
- 1 square base
- 2 long frame legs (Frame long)
- 1 top bar of the frame
- 8 flat-head screws (Tweeters)
Locate the square base in the future position of your speaker, the two vertical
attachements upwards and towards the listener position.
Mount the 2 long frame legs on the oblique attachements of the square base, first
without screws. The long frame legs are marked "left left" and "left right" for the left
speaker and "right left" and "right right" for the right speaker.
Insert on top of the oblique legs the top bar of the frame.
Secure it to the oblique legs with 4 small flat-head screws.
Put another 4 screws at the basis of the oblique legs without tightening.