12. Cleaning.
To clean the laquered wood, you can use any of the very fine polish used for the
old laquered furniture. Always use a very soft cloth to avoid scratching the surface.
Use of the same polish on the frame and the molettes will give the system its best
The identification plates are gold plated. Simply clean them with a soft cloth,
without any product.
13. Connection to the amplifier.
If you are not using a Goldcube, the only amplifier fast enough to drive properly
the Apologue is one of the Goldmund Mimesis. Any slower amplifier will not have
the capability to properly hold the ultra-fast drivers of the Apologue.
The cable coming from the Mimesis can be connected to the bottom crossover,
using high quality banana plugs which can be tightened in position.
Any bad quality cable will ruin the sound quality of the Apologue.
The best solution remains the Goldcube, since it does not use any speaker cable.
14. Running-in
The Apologue speakers need to operate for many days before they provide the top
sonic quality they are designed to provide. The first hours can be very frustrating.
Do not hesitate to let them play quite loud for some time before tempting any real