B l u e B o x – A d j u s t m e n t o f t h e T o u c h D i s p l a y
GO Systemelektronik GmbH Faluner Weg 1 24109 Kiel Germany Tel.: +49 431 58080-0
Fax: -58080-11
Page 79 / 96
Appendix A – Adjustment of the Touch Display
If the display does not respond correctly or only under high pressure,
a display adjustment is necessary
While switching on power, press display
until the notice
"touch adjustment ?
don't touch for normal use"
Left off the display immediately!
Press the display immediately again for
more than one second.
A blinking dot appears at top left.
Press the blinking dot top left.
A blinking dot appears at bottom right.
Press the blinking dot bottom right.
The adjustment is finished.
touch adjustment ?
don't touch for normal use
touch adjustment ?
don't touch for normal use
touch adjustment ?
don't touch for normal use
- touch this small dot
touch this small dot - >