9.4.1 Measuring the protective conductor current
(with devices of protection class I)
The limit value is 3.5 mA.
The protective conductor current for test objects with heating elements having a total
connected power greater than 3.5 kW must not be greater than 1 mA/kW heating power,
up to a maximum value of 10 mA. The protective conductor current can either be
measured directly with the substitute leakage current method or with the differential
current method.
Protective conductor current – differential current method PC I, Diagram M6
Measuring principle circuits
Protective conductor current – substitute leakage current method PC I, Diagram M4a
Appliance tester
Test object
Protective conductor current – direct measurement PC I, Diagram M5
Appliance tester
Test object
Caution! The test object is supplied with mains voltage
during the test!
Appliance tester
Test object
Operating manual for the TG uni 1, TG euro 1 and TG euro 1 med appliance tester
Conducting tests in accordance with DIN VDE 0701-0702 – Definition of standards
Test socket
Test socket
Test socket
Insulated installation
In the case of test objects in PC I with touchable conductive parts
that are not connected to the protective conductor, an additional
touch current measurement must be carried out according to PC II
(see Diagram 1 on Page 20).