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Troubleshooting Guide
Knife motor will not start
Slicer not plugged in
Plug in slicer.
Knife cover removed or not properly
Install knife cover
Overload reset button tripped
Press the reset button located
underneath the slicer
Green RUN indicator light flashing
Knife cover removed or not properly
Install knife cover
Ragged cuts-poor yield
Dull knife
Sharpen knife-make sure knife and
stones are clean
Chipped knife
Sharpen or have new knife installed
Knife-slicer table gap too wide
Call for service to adjust slicer table
Knife too small
Have new knife installed
Part scraping knife
Knife cover
Lock knife cover release lever
Tighten or adjust carriage knob
Slicer table
Call for service to adjust slicer table
Hard to sharpen
Stones dirty, wet or clogged with
Clean stones with warm water
and a brush. Allow stones to air
dry. Lubricate shafts with Globe oil
Knife dirty
Clean top and bottom of knife
Worn stones
Have stones replaced
Stones not properly aligned
Have sharpener adjusted
If problems persist and the assigned solution does not remedy the issue, please call your local