GlobalTime NTP Products
All indicator lights are off when power is on
Check whether the power outlet is with electricity. There is a fuse socket in the device. You
need to unplug it and check whether the fuse is intact.
Receiving no satellite signals for a long time
Emphasis should be placed on verifying whether the feeder system is normal.
Firstly, unplug the feeder on the side at the device. Then measure the BNC socket with a
multimeter. Normally there is 5V antenna supply voltage. Otherwise, it shows that the
equipment has been damaged.
Then verify the outdoor antenna is well connected, such as verifying the outdoor joints are
tight, the connectors are waterproof, the antenna has leakage problem and so on. You
should troubleshoot the obvious problems one by one.
Then disconnect the antenna connector and measure the resistance of the feeder. When the
remote end is open, the near-end resistance should be infinite. Besides, when the remote
end is shorted, the near-end resistance will be only a few ohms. If it is shown abnormal,
verify the feeder and the connector is intact. The normal faults: the quality of the line is not
good; the connectors are not done well; lines are scratched or bitten by small animals, etc. If
the feeder is added a lightning arrester or an antenna amplifier in the middle, you still need to
verify the two components is intact.
After eliminating the above breakdown, if it still can not receive the satellite signal, please
contact the service hotline of Shanghai GlobalTime Electronic Co., Ltd. Our engineers will
help you with the further processing.
Can not ping the time server after configuration
First, verify the physical network connection. You can see if the corresponding
connection-status light is normal by observing HUB or switch connected with the time server.
And then check if there is something wrong with the network settings. You can use a
crossing cable to connect the server to the computer directly to see if ping is ok. Then use
HUB to test in the same network segment. Finally test the different segments. Following
these steps, it is easy to troubleshoot. Some firewall software on your computer will provide