GlobalTime NTP Products
NTP peer means that the double devices work in a peer to peer mode as the backup time
source for each other. When GPS is not working well, the spare time source can be put to
use while the levle of local time server will be reduced to 2.
NTPbroadcast is the broadcast mode of lower timing accuracy but larger system capacity
which can reduce the network data flow.
MD5 key is the encrypted password to maintain MD5.
Select NTP MD5 key is to select one or several as the timing authentication password from
the list of MD5. It can help the client to avoid malicious attacks changing the system time.
Note: both the client side and server side should use the same password.
SNMP setting
the address of sending data
the data port
Information query port
The above three can be modified.
Heartbeat check (optional function)
MASTER:N, represent whether it is started as the host
LOCALPORT:6050, Heartbeat detection port
IP address of the backup machine
the working IP, that is, the shared IP of hot standby
the mask of the work address
the gateway of the work address
STRATUM: 7, For heartbeat detection level, the smaller, the higher. In the case that both of
the devices have become hosts, the low-level one will be initiative to be the backup
equipment based on the negotiation.
The hot standby equipment will perform the following functions:
1. The master-slave relationship of the two servers is based on the configuration files and
the boot sequence (see under for further information), that is, if machine A is started first,
then A acts as the host while machine B is the backup one; if machine B is to started frist,