Call History
Call History
Your most recently dialed numbers, missed
calls and received calls will be recorded
in the Call History. In each entry you can
view the caller number and time of call. As
Missed Calls, Received Calls and Dialed
Numbers menu options are all identical,
“Missed Calls” will be used as the example
Missed Calls
This function records the last 20 calls you
missed. If there are multiple calls from the
same number, then that entry there will
have a number inside parentheses beside
it showing the number of calls.
After accessing the Main Menu, select
“Call History”.
Enter the Call History menu options,
select “Missed”.
Select the missed call you wish to view.
The entry’s caller number, time and
date will be displayed below.
You can press
to dial the number
directly, or press
to enter the
menu options. Select “Dial” to call that
number, select “Send MMS” or “Send
MMS” to send that caller a message,
select “Delete” to delete this call entry,
or “Save Number” to save this number
as a contact in the Phonebook.
You can press
at this screen to cycle
between different call records.
Call Time
This calculates the duration of your last
call, all of your outgoing calls, all of your
received calls and total call time. You
can use these times as a reference for
managing your call costs.
At the Main Menu select “Call History”.