Authentication and its Application
User Authentication
There are five types of user authentication method: user code authentication, ba-
sic authentication, Windows authentication, Integration Server Authentication,
and LDAP authentication. To use user authentication, select an authentication
method on the control panel, and then make the required settings for the authen-
tication. The settings depend on the authentication method.
When using Windows authentication or LDAP authentication, keep in mind
that if you edit an authenticated user’s e-mail address or any of the other data
that is automatically stored after successful authentication, the edited data
may be overwritten when it is reacquired at the next authentication.
User code authentication is used for authenticating on the basis of the user
code, and basic authentication, Windows authentication, and LDAP authen-
tication are used for authenticating individual users.
You cannot use more than one authentication method at the same time.
User authentication can also be specified via Web Image Monitor. For details
see the Web Image Monitor Help.
User Code Authentication
This is an authentication method for limiting access to functions according to the
user code. The same user code can be used by more than one user. For details
about specifying user codes, see General Settings Guide.
To control the use of DeskTopBinder for the delivery of files stored in the ma-
chine, select Basic Authentication, Windows Authentication, LDAP Authen-
tication, or Integration Server Authentication.
For details about specifying the user code for the printer driver, see Printer
Reference or the printer driver Help.
For details about specifying the TWAIN driver user code, see the TWAIN
driver Help. Page 24 Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:45 AM