Tekniske ændringer forbeholdes
- Technische Änderungen vorbehalten - Subject to Technical Modifications -
Optima 300
23: Airflow 3 SUP
Level 3 is the highest speed and is in use when having
many guests, when airing the room, having major activity
in the kitchen, or if the unit is used for ventilating offices,
institutions etc. The provisional factory setting is 100%.
Remember that all over-ventilation is a waste of energy.
24: Airflow 1 EXH
Remember if the air volume is set lower than the
minimum air volume in point 16, the heat pump will switch
The provisional factory setting is 35%.
>> Airflow 2 EXH
26 Airflow 3 EXH
27 Clock ON
28 Clock day
Set point
Operations menu
25: Airflow 2 EXH
The provisional factory setting is 55%.
26: Airflow 3 EXH
The provisional factory setting is 70%.
7: Clock ON
Please Notice: The adjustment of the weekly clock
can easily be adjusted after manually filling out the
weekly program scheme at page 42.
If it is wished to control the unit with the weekly clock, the
set point must be adjusted to 1. The weekly clock allows
the speed to be changed automatically up to 10 times
per day, while at the same time the room temperature
may be changed to a lower temperature for each change
period than the set temperature in point 2. If the speed
or room temperature is changed with the short-cut keys
on the main menu, the weekly program will automatically
cut in again, when passing the time of change. If it is
desired only to change the speed and room temperature
manually, the set point should be adjusted to 0.
8: Clock day
Starting the clock. Adjust the set point to the relevant day
of the week.
Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4,
Friday = 5, Saturday = 6, Sunday = 7
>> Clock hour
30 Clock minute
31 Change day
32 Change point
Set point
Operations menu
9: Clock hour
Adjust the set point to the relevant number of hours.
30: Clock minute
Adjust the set point to the relevant number of minutes.
When the marker “>>” is pointing to menus between
31 and 36 the display heading changes to show actual
changing point according to the following format:
Changepoint, Weekday, Time. Example: “3 Monday
Before compiling a personal weekly program it may be a
fine help filling out the week schedule included.
31: Change day
Adjust the set point at the actual day of the week, in
which you wish to adjust the changeover times.
Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4,
Friday = 5, Saturday = 6, Sunday = 7
3: Change point
Adjust the set point to the desired changeover time. May
be set up to ten times each day.
>> Change hour
34 Change minutes
35 Change airflow
36 Change room temp
Set point
Operations menu
33: Change hour
Adjust the set point to the hour at which a changeover is
34: Change minutes
Set the set point to the minute at which it is desired to
perform the changeover.
35: Change Airflow
Set the set point to the step (speed) at which it is desired
to perform the changeover.
36: Change room temperature
Adjust the wanted set point to the number of degrees
lower, compared to the set room temperature in point 2
for this changing period.
>> Copy day
38 Default values
39 Preheat ON
40 Preheat temp
Set point
Operations menu
37: Copy day
It is possible to adjust the set point to copy the weekly
program of the actual day to the one chosen by the
setting. E.g. if menu point 18 is adjusted to set point 2
(Tuesday), the weekly program for Tuesday will be copied
to the day chosen by this setting.