June 2005
Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures
3 - 28
Part No. 52075
Checklist E Procedure
Test or Replace the Hydraulic Oil
Replacement or testing of the hydraulic oil is
essential for good machine performance and
service life. Dirty oil and suction strainers may
cause the machine to perform poorly and
continued use may cause component damage.
Extremely dirty conditions may require oil changes
to be performed more often.
Before replacing the hydraulic oil,
the oil may be tested by an oil
distributor for specific levels of
contamination to verify that
changing the oil is necessary. If
the hydraulic oil is not replaced
at the two year inspection, test
the oil quarterly. Replace the oil
when it fails the test.
Perform this procedure with the
boom in the stowed position.
1 Disconnect the battery pack from the machine.
2 Remove the drain plug from the hydraulic tank
and completely drain the tank into a suitable
container. Refer to Section 2, Specifications, for
capacity information.
3 Disconnect the hydraulic oil return line from the
manifold side of the hydraulic oil filter.
4 Remove the mounting fasteners securing the
hydraulic tank to the turntable.
5 Remove the mounting fasteners securing the
hydraulic tank to the power unit. Remove the
tank from the machine.
6 Remove the pick-up filter from hydraulic pump
suction tube.
7 Clean the filter and tank using a mild solvent.
8 Apply thread sealant to the threads of the drain
plug. Install the drain plug into the tank and
torque to specification.
Torque specifications
Hydraulic tank drain plug, dry
250 in-lbs
28 Nm
Hydraulic tank drain plug, lubricated
188 in-lbs
21 Nm
9 Install the filter onto the pickup tube. Install the
hydraulic tank onto the power unit and torque to
Be careful not to damage the
O-ring when installing the
hydraulic tank onto the power unit.
Torque specifications
Hydraulic tank mounting fasteners, dry
40 in-lbs
4.5 Nm
Hydraulic tank mounting fasteners, lubricated
30 in-lbs
3.4 Nm
10 Install the hydraulic power unit onto the
turntable. Securely install the fasteners.
11 Fill the tank with hydraulic oil until the oil is
visible in the sight gauge. Do not overfill. Refer
to Section 2, Specifications.
12 Activate the pump to fill the hydraulic system
with oil and bleed the system of air.
Component damage hazard. The
pump can be damaged if operated
without oil. Do not empty the
hydraulic tank while in the process
of filling the hydraulic system.
13 Repeat steps 11 through 12 until the hydraulic
system and tank are both full.
14 Retract the outriggers and return the boom to
the stowed position.
15 Clean up any oil that may have spilled. Properly
discard the used oil and filter.