GEMAŞ Genel Mühendislik Mekanik San.veTic.A.Ş.
İTOB Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 10001 Sok.No:28 Menderes/İZMİR TURKEY
Tel:0232 799 0 333 Fax:0232 799 0 330 [email protected]
GEMAŞ PURITRON GSC Installation and User Manual
Re-examine the electricity and water supply. Be sure to follow the assembly instructions written above
correctly. If there is no deficiency or error, you can start the commissioning process.
Open the water inlet and water outlet valves, turn down the bypass valve. Make sure there is no water leak
in the valves and chamber.
Make sure that phase, neutral and ground cables are connected correctly. Do not forget that the device will
work with the pump and turn off with the pump. Turn on residual current relay/fuse. Check the supply
terminals with the control pen or gauge.
Turn on the device from the on / off switch at the bottom of the device. The control screen on the front of
the device will be energized. There will be a closed mode screen on the control screen.
The generator will operate in factory settings. If you want to change these settings, you can make the
necessary changes with the help of the user manual.
3.1.Control Panel and Settings
2x16 LCD screen; Information and warnings about the device are
The device performs the functions of ON / OFF (turning on and
off), entering the setting menu (holding the device off, holding
down for 3 seconds while it is OFF) and leaving the pages and
parameters in the setting menu.
It performs the functions of making selections in pages and
parameters in the setting menu, confirming and saving the
adjusted parameters.
By holding it down for 3 sec. during the operation, the device
switches to boost mode and runs at full capacity for 8 hours.
It performs the functions of switching to a higher page or parameter in the setting menu and increasing the
parameter values.
It performs the functions of switching to a subpage or parameter in the setting menu and decreasing the
parameter values.
3.1.1.Control Panel Operation Screen Icons and Values
1.Cl Production Rate:
This section shows the instant CL production
rate. It can be increased or decreased by using the arrow keys.
When the device is in boost mode, “BOOST” appears in this section.
2.CL Production and Polarization Icon:
3 different icons appear
in this section:
Correct directional polarization icon
Reverse directional polarization icon.
Operating in
reverse polarization does not harm the device. The lime
cleaning feature on the electrodes is activated.
No polarization.
Cl is not produced. Polarization change
is made.
This section shows errors and warnings that affect Cl production. By pressing the OK button once, the
instantaneous current value drawn during production is shown. Detailed information about faults is explained in
the Fault Codes and Suggested Solutions