Measurement and Analysis
Versana Essential
User Guide
5759238-100 English
Rev. 2
Measurement and Analysis
Measurements and calculations derived from ultrasound images
are intended to supplement other clinical procedures available
to the attending physician. The accuracy of measurements is not
only determined by system accuracy, but also by the use of
proper medical protocols by the user. When appropriate, be sure
to note any protocols associated with a particular measurement
or calculation. Formulas and databases used within the system
software that are associated with specific investigators are so
noted. Be sure to refer to the original article describing the
investigator's recommended clinical procedures.
The system provides calculations (e.g estimated fetal weight)
and charts based on published scientific literature. The
selection of the appropriate chart and clinical interpretation of
calculations and charts is the sole responsibility of the user.
The user should consider contraindications for the use of a
calculation or chart as described in the scientific literature. The
diagnosis, decision for further examination, and medical
treatment must be performed by qualified personnel following
good clinical practice.